
The alert routing feature enables users to define a number of alert destinations and then route alerts to those destinations based on the alert’s severity. For example, a user may want to send all alerts to Slack but only send high severity alerts to PagerDuty.

How it works

Alerts are routed to destinations based on the severity of the given heuristic. When a heuristic is deployed, the user must specify the severity of the alert that the heuristic will produce. When the heuristic is run, the alert is routed to the configured destinations based on the severity of the alert. For example, if a heuristic is configured to produce a high severity alert, the alert will be routed to all configured destinations that support high severity alerts.

Each severity level is configured independently for each alert destination. A user can add any number of alert configurations per severity.

Located in the root directory you’ll find a file named alerts-template.yaml. This file contains a template for configuring alert routing. The template contains a few examples on how you might want to configure your alert routing.

Supported Alert Destinations

Pessimism currently supports the following alert destinations:

Name Description
slack Sends alerts to a Slack channel
pagerduty Sends alerts to a PagerDuty service
sns Sends alerts to an SNS topic defined in .env file

Alert Severity

Pessimism currently defines the following severities for alerts:

Severity Description
low Alerts that may not require immediate attention
medium Alerts that could be hazardous, but may not be completely destructive
high Alerts that require immediate attention and could result in a loss of funds

Publishing to an SNS Topic

To publish alerts to an SNS topic, you must first create an SNS topic in the AWS console. Once you have created the topic, you will need to add the ARN of the topic to the .env file. Ensure that you have AWS_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY set in your environment if you are looking to publish messages to an SNS topic. The ARN should be added to the SNS_TOPIC_ARN variable found in the .env file. The AWS_ENDPOINT is optional and is primarily used for testing with localstack.

Note: Currently, Pessimism only support one SNS topic to publish alerts to.

PagerDuty Severity Mapping

PagerDuty supports the following severities: critical, error, warning, and info. Pessimism maps the Pessimism severities to PagerDuty severities as follows (ref):

Pessimism PagerDuty
low warning
medium error
high critical