Pessimism uses Prometheus for telemetry. The application spins up a metrics server on a specified port (default 7300) and exposes the /metrics endpoint.

Local Testing

To verify that metrics are being collected locally, curl the metrics endpoint via curl localhost:7300/metrics. The response should display all custom and system metrics.

Server Configuration

The default configuration within config.env.template should be suitable in most cases, however if you do not want to run the metrics server, set METRICS_ENABLED=0 and the metrics server will not be started. This is useful mainly for testing purposes.

Generating Documentation

To generate documentation for metrics, run make docs from the root of the repository. This will generate markdown which can be pasted directly below to keep current system metric documentation up to date.

Current Metrics

pessimism_up 1 if the service is up   gauge
pessimism_heuristics_active_heuristics Number of active heuristics heuristic,network,path gauge
pessimism_etl_active_paths Number of active paths path,network gauge
pessimism_heuristics_heuristic_runs_total Number of times a specific heuristic has been run network,heuristic counter
pessimism_alerts_generated_total Number of total alerts generated for a given heuristic network,heuristic,path,destination counter
pessimism_node_errors_total Number of node errors caught node counter
pessimism_block_latency Millisecond latency of block processing network gauge
pessimism_path_latency Millisecond latency of path processing PathID gauge
pessimism_heuristic_execution_time Nanosecond time of heuristic execution heuristic gauge
pessimism_heuristic_errors_total Number of errors generated by heuristic executions heuristic counter